


世界就是你的教室. 获取知识, underst和ing 和 skills to be prepared for living in a globally interdependent 和 culturally diverse world. 自1925年以来, 澳门葡京博彩软件一直是出国留学领域的先驱, demonstrating that active engagement in the world enhances a liberal arts education. 


Spend a semester or academic year on one of 澳门葡京博彩软件’s own programs in 弗洛伦斯, 日内瓦, 汉堡还是巴黎, or choose from 澳门葡京博彩软件’s consortium 和 approved programs in places such as Spain, 日本, 印度, 墨西哥和中东. Travel to locations around the globe with faculty-led programs during January interterm or work at an internship for the summer.

找到适合你的项目 应用 & 资金


这是一个重要和及时的更新列表. 请参阅 完整的留学新闻和事件列表 查看公告的全面列表.

  • Gilman Scholarships are open now through March 7 for applicants whose education abroad programs start between May 1, 2024年至4月30日, 2025. U.S. citizens who receive the Pell Grant may be considered for up to $9,000 in funding. This cycle encompasses programs during the following terms, so 电子邮件 your essays to studyabroad@orindahouse.com 供留学协调员审阅:
    • 2024年夏天
    • 2024年秋季
    • 2024-25学年
    • 小学期2025
    • 2025年春季

身份 & 出国留学

许多因素可能会影响你在国外的经历, including your nationality; religious, racial or ethnic 遗产; gender; 性取向; mobility; accessibility 和 disability; 和 personality. Attitudes toward women 和 minority groups vary greatly across cultures, 性别认同和性取向方面的经历也是如此. In some cultures you may experience being in the minority (that is, (外国人)或第一次占多数. How the “majority culture” defines itself also differs around the world. 没有一个地方是单一文化的, 和 learning about difference by living 和 studying outside the United States can bring new insights upon return. 问问题, explore resources 和 remember that all cultures have complexities, 和 finding opportunities to successfully live in another culture is extraordinary.


To learn more about how your identity may be impacted during your experience abroad, 我们建议检讨 多元化海外留学指南IFSA的《揭秘:给像我这样的学生的留学指南》.

国际志愿者 provides information about best practices for selecting a high-quality volunteer abroad program. See especially the “Why St和ards” 和 “Volunteer Stories” tabs on their website.

布朗大学编译 关于多样性问题的学生语录集 包括种族, 遗产, 性取向, 宗教, 少数民族/大多数问题, 外表和语言.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of study abroad is the opportunity to discover another culture 和, 多亏了这个过程, 更好地了解自己. It is important to be aware of the cultural differences about disability 和 accommodations in order to have a successful 和 safe experience abroad.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.



  • Disclose your disability needs to program staff early so appropriate arrangements can be made in advance.
  • Remember that other cultures may provide disability access in a different way—learn about what types of accommodation are typically provided in your host country 和 be flexible 和 open to different ways of accommodating your disability.
  • Find out as much as you can about your host culture 和 how they view disability by reading, talking to other students 和 attending predeparture orientation sessions. 你知道的越多, the better prepared you will be for the interaction between your disability 和 the new environment.
  • Think about how you will answer questions about your disability in the language of your host country—look up key vocabulary words ahead of time.

As a 澳门葡京博彩软件 student you may already be accustomed to addressing gender issues with an open mind. Our challenge to you is to now examine the differing patterns of gender roles 和 expectations in the spirit of intercultural learning.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. For example, how is sexual harassment defined 和 responded to in the host culture? 出国时还需要注意哪些额外的安全措施? We strongly encourage you to discuss these 和 similar topics with your education abroad adviser prior to departure.

As a nontraditional student you are faced with unique challenges when it comes to study abroad. 你可能无法离开去参加一个学期的项目, 你可能需要为其他家庭成员做安排, 等. The resources listed here will inspire you to consider study abroad 和 help you to prepare once you've decided to apply.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


现在通过查看下面的资源开始研究; exploring 澳门葡京博彩软件 program offerings; talking with the staff in the Office for International Study 和 program alumnae; 和 continuing to learn while you are abroad by talking with your new friends.

It is important to recognize how cultural differences impact perceptions of race 和 ethnicity.

许多有色人种学生报告说,在美国.S. they self-identify with their race, but abroad they are recognized as simply American. Some students of diverse racial 和 ethnic backgrounds also report a real range of experiences in treatment as a "foreigner." Some students report feeling exhilarated by the freedom from the American context of race relations, while others report experiencing new types of prejudice 和 having to learn new coping strategies.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living.

Though there may be commitment to religious diversity 和 freedom in the United States, this may not be the case in the country where you'll be living 和 studying. 在国外, you will likely have encounters that challenge your notions of spirituality.

Take the opportunity to underst和 the social 和 historical views of religious acceptance 和 tolerance within your host country. 这样做的时候, you may also question your own values 和 beliefs 和 arrive at a better underst和ing of yourself.

Being familiar with the world's 宗教s 和 how religious diversity is defined 和 understood across cultures will help you have a rewarding 和 safe international experience.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


现在通过查看下面的资源开始研究, talking with international students 和 program alumni on campus. 在国外, 和你的新朋友聊天, 寄宿家庭, 对话伙伴, 教师和其他对讨论宗教感兴趣的人, 信仰, 灵性和理解这些问题的方式.

Being knowledgeable about sexual identity 和 how the cultural, legal 和 social issues regarding sexual identity vary from place to place will better enable you to have a safe 和 rewarding international experience. Learning as much as you can about how these issues are addressed in the host country will better enable you to have a safe 和 rewarding international experience.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


现在通过查看下面的资源开始研究, 与留学顾问和项目校友交谈, 和 continue while you are abroad by talking with your new friends.

If you have special eating habits, are committed to a particular way of eating (e.g., 素食者, 素食主义者, 洁食, macrobiotic) or have health issues or food allergies that result in a special diet, you will need to research your study abroad destination carefully before assuming that the food you need will be available.

在世界上许多地区都有一些特殊的饮食, 比如素食者, 是不常见的,在某些情况下, 不吃已经为你准备好的食物, 即使是出于饮食原因, 被认为是粗鲁的.

If, 文化, religious or personal reasons you do not eat certain types of food you should contact your study abroad program administrator to see whether or not your dietary needs can be accommodated.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


Learn what is 和 isn't available that so you can experience the food of the culture you're living in while at the same time having your dietary needs met. 是灵活的, 只要有可能, about what you eat will make your study abroad experience easier 和 more enriching.

If you're looking to discuss any of these factors 和 how they might impact your experience abroad, 请澳门葡京博彩软件中的一个. You can even contact us as you're navigating issues while on your program.

安全 & 安全

我们建议所有在国外学习的学生咨询美国政府.S. 定期浏览国务院网站. This site includes valuable information about countries throughout the world.




迪恩·约翰逊负责国际研究办公室, 包括管理澳门葡京博彩软件海外项目(佛罗伦萨), 日内瓦, 汉堡, 巴黎, 以及全球FLEX项目). She advises 和 prepares students for their experiences abroad. 安排约会.



Angelo is ready for your questions 和 wants to hear your story. 他负责编程活动, 学生建议, 学费和助学金, 和 can help answer questions about funding study abroad programs. 安排约会.

Drop-in advising hours are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 和 Thursdays from 2:30–4 p.m. 学生可能 网上预约 或致电413-585-7598. 问题也可以通过以下方式向同行顾问提出 电子邮件.


d Amparado


Denielle is a senior double major in government 和 quantitative economics. She’s just returned to 澳门葡京博彩软件 after two years away—the first completing her JYA with the 澳门葡京博彩软件在日内瓦 program, 和 the second spending her gap year at home in the Philippines 和 in Peru. 在日内瓦, Denielle took classes at Unige 和 the Graduate Institute of 日内瓦, 专注于国际法, 发展经济学, 迁移研究, 以及法国和瑞士文学. She was also able to complete internships in migrant- 和 indigenous-rights centered organizations, 我在移民倡议组织志愿担任英语老师, 周游法国, 意大利, 和西班牙. 丹妮尔喜欢外出的时间, 和 now she's happy to be back 和 eager to help any 和 all 澳门葡京博彩软件ies work through their worries 和 design their own study abroad experiences.

d Amparado



Lucie is a senior double majoring in computer science 和 philosophy. They are back at 澳门葡京博彩软件 after spending last spring in Engl和 at Lady Margaret Hall, 牛津大学的一个学院. 在国外, 露西参加了人工智能方面的教程, 逻辑, 认识论和形而上学, 人工智能伦理. Lucie had an incredible experience with the tutorial system 和 would love to tell you all about it. 在他们的春假期间, 路茜穿越欧洲来到爱丁堡, 巴黎, 柏林, 阿姆斯特丹, 和维也纳.

Lucie很高兴这学期能在LGSC工作, 期待在他们的同伴咨询时间见到你!




Eugenia is a junior in environmental science 和 policy major from Sierra Leone. 她在哥本哈根呆了一个学期, 丹麦研究可持续发展, 综合气候变化规划, environmental policy in practice 和 Danish language 和 culture. She also supported agricultural research in bio逻辑al pest control. She volunteered briefly with a climate activist group working on deep sea mining. Eugenia was able to travel to more than 10 cities in Europe during her time abroad including 巴黎, 布拉格, 布达佩斯, 和柏林. Going abroad was a life-changing experience for her 和 she’d love to work with you to curate your own! 


  • To promote study abroad opportunities that are in keeping with the educational aims of the college.
  • To provide program options that offer outst和ing academic content, 指令, language learning 和 cultural immersion opportunities in the host countries.
  • To ensure first-rate study abroad opportunities that accommodate a range of disciplines 和 include diverse regions of the world.
  • To integrate study abroad into a student's four-year plan of study to the fullest extent possible.

We are a member of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, 国际教育协会(IIE), the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) 和 the Forum on Education Abroad.



澳门葡京博彩软件参加了国际教育论坛 良好操作标准 和 道德守则 (PDF) for Education Abroad in providing study abroad opportunities to 澳门葡京博彩软件 students.


北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-7598 电子邮件: studyabroad@orindahouse.com

为紧急情况, call Campus 安全 at 413-585-5555 和 ask to have a study abroad staff member contacted.

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